R.E.P.O. Monster Spewer


 R.E.P.O. Game Monster Spewer
  • Name: Spewer
  • Danger Level: 1
  • Abilities: Spewing Acid, Biting
  • Maps: Any
  • Money on death: $1k - $4k
  • Behaviors: Latches onto players, Wanders, Patrols


The 'Spewer' is a tadpole-looking monster that appears in-game, known for its ability to spew acid at players. Upon spotting a target, it will relentlessly chase them until either interrupted or successfully latching onto their face.

Once attached, the player's voice becomes noticeably deeper, and they gain some unsettling teeth. While on the player's head, the monster will occasionally spew acid and If other players are in the direct line of sight of the vomit, they will take damage.


A more common entity, it flies around at a fast pace looking for players. When it finds one, it will make a gurgling noise and will either approach the player or scream while looking in their direction, vomiting on them after a couple seconds if they're still around.

If it touches a player while chasing them, it will latch on to them for (roughly) as little as 10 seconds or as much as 1 minute, dealing no damage.

While attached, it considerably deepens the voice/TTS of the host and occasionally makes them vomit a green liquid. This liquid can damage other players (but not the host), most entities, scrap items, and destructible map objects (such as doors).

If grabbed by a player while not attached, the Spewer will freak out and fly away in distress.

It is worth warning that if a Spewer is fleeing but is cornered, it will vomit the green liquid to defend itself. It deals 10 damage per second of standing in the stream of vomit.

Survival Tips

  • Keep back to avoid taking damage.
  • It doesn’t fly particularly fast, nor does it have good vision to spot you under furniture or crouched.
  • If it wraps itself around you, make sure your teammates do not attempt to take it off, otherwise they’re at risk of taking damage from its bile.
  • The Spewer will eventually fall off, and you won’t have taken any damage.
  • If you don't want it to attach to you, just grab it for a bit and shake it around. It will let out a squeal and fly away for a while.
  • If you want to interrupt their vomiting while they're on you, tumbling seems to cut it short. The damage of the puke is surprisingly high, able to kill a Clown in about 2-3 vomits.