R.E.P.O. Monster Clown

- Name: Clown
- Danger Level: 3
- Abilities: laser beam attack, kick
- Maps: Any
- Money on death: $5k - $8k
- Behaviors: Will use a beam to attack visible players. Will kick players if they are close by or if his beam is on cooldown.
The Clown is a fast, loud enemy with 250 health. He roams around with heavy footsteps and attacks with a deadly laser beam. When it spots a player, it laughs loudly, then sweeps the beam horizontally, dealing 50 damage per tick to the player (~0.2s = 1 tick). The sweep adjusts to the player's height, so being above it won’t always keep you safe. After firing, it is stunned for a couple of seconds as it cools down, but if its laser is on cooldown (~8 seconds), it charges and kicks players instead, dealing 50 damage and launching them, causing fatal physics damage.
It will also kick hiding players if it suspects they are nearby. Fighting it is risky, but baiting its laser from a high ledge (since it can’t jump) and attacking while it’s stunned is an option. Crouching under the laser works, but only if timed right, and hiding behind non-destructible cover is the safest bet. The laser also destroys scrap, so keep your loot far away. Its speed and instant-kill attack make it a major threat, but its brief cooldown is the best chance to escape or strike.
They roam around and are not subtle about it. They have a distinct thumping sound from their footsteps, and will keep on roaming until they spot a player, at which point they will charge a laser beam attack, announced by audible laughter.
It will do a quick sweep with the beam, toasting anything it touches. Something important to note is that the Clown makes the sweep horizontally based on where its current target is: If you are high above it and it attacks you with it, it will sweep at a high angle to hit you.
Once it uses the laser, the Clown is briefly stunned in place as it "cools down", which is shown by it sighing or calming down. The laser beam attack has an ~8 second cooldown.
When it cannot use its laser, the Clown will quickly walk up to players it sees and kick them, dealing 50 damage and sending them flying, usually causing enough additional damage to kill 100 hp players.
It is important to note that the Clown will always prioritize the laser beam attack over its kick.
Survival Tips
- This is quite a formidable entity, as it has decent speed, 1 attack that instakills, and huge area denial.
- It is important to keep awareness of your surroundings when encountering a Clown, as you will need to use cover for its beam attack. When you hear it laughing, just sprint away or find non-destructible cover until it's over.
- Make sure your cover is non-destructible, because the laser does so much damage that it will instantly break doors, cabinets, safes, etc.
- You can also just crouch under the laser beam, but make sure you crouch AFTER he starts the sweep, not before.
- A tactic for the more daring involves jumping on a bookshelf or some other place accessible only by jumping (Clowns cannot jump) and baiting its laser attack while retreating and having someone else hit the Clown as it does its sweep.
- The sweep cannot be cancelled, and after it's done, the Clown stuns itself for a second or two, giving you much needed time to smack it or run away.
- Another thing to keep in mind is that the laser beam does immense damage to scrap items, so be sure to keep your cart away from this freak.
- When hit with a grenade, like most monsters the clown will fall over, using a bundle of taped grenades or just 2 granades you can kill a clown with ease.
- the best time to throw in a grenade is when it corners itself in a dead end room like a bathroom or a cabinet room, and toss in a grenade. especially if you can avoid its beam the first time it only gets easier once it stuns.