R.E.P.O. Monster Bowtie


 R.E.P.O. Game Monster Bowtie
  • Name: Bowtie
  • Danger Level: 2
  • Abilities: Blows things and players away
  • Maps: Any
  • Money on death: $3k - $7k
  • Behaviors: Wanders, Patrols, Runs away after attacking.


Bowtie is easy to deal with as it cannot run as fast as other monsters, Same as other monsters it can open doors. After it attacks, It runs away to another location. Its attacking phase is obvious by its large open mouth. If you get close it will blow you away.


A large, cloud-like entity that roams around at a medium pace. When they spot a player, they will scream at them, pushing them back constantly and causing them to be unable to sprint or jump until they're out of the scream.

The scream will hurt you if it is pushing you against a wall or solid obstacle, and is able to push other entities if they are small enough, such as Rugrats, Bangs, and Gnomes.

Bowties also enter a frenzied mode after using their scream where they will stomp around at really high speeds towards a player they can see, hurting anything in its way.

Survival Tips

  • Dont get close too to Bowtie.
  • If blowing, Hide under or behind an object to avoid getting hit.
  • Hide your items if he starts blowing if possible.
  • They roam slowly and cannot move when they're screaming.
  • If you have a tranq gun (or a regular gun), they are perfect targets for it and go down easy.
  • If they're blocking your path, leave them be and they will move out after a while.
  • They have incredibly low hp, so 1 or 2 smacks with a melee weapon should get you some easy money.